
Wholesale Showrooms vs. In-House Sales: Choosing the Best Path for Your Fashion Brand

wholesale Jun 24, 2024

Today, we’re diving into our wholesale series, focusing on how to get your brand into retail stores. We'll explore the difference between being represented by a wholesale showroom and handling sales in-house, weighing the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Wholesale Showrooms

A wholesale showroom is a physical location that typically houses multiple brands. Buyers visit these showrooms to purchase styles for upcoming seasons. In this setting, sales reps present your collection to retail buyers. This setup contrasts with inside sales, where you either hire a sales rep or manage sales from your headquarters.

Pros of Wholesale Showrooms

  1. Established Relationships Wholesale showrooms have long-standing relationships with various retailers. This network can be invaluable if you struggle to get your brand into specific stores on your own. Their existing connections can open doors that might otherwise remain closed.

  2. Trained Sales Reps Showrooms employ experienced sales reps skilled in negotiation and knowledgeable about retailer preferences. They can provide valuable feedback and help tailor your brand to meet retailer expectations. Their expertise in product presentation and market trends is a significant asset.

  3. Trade Show Management Showrooms handle trade show logistics, including setup and sales, saving you significant time and effort. Trade shows are great for exposure but can be overwhelming to manage independently. Showrooms often participate in major trade shows, giving your brand access to a broader audience.

  4. Credibility Being represented by a showroom can enhance your brand’s credibility. Retailers are more likely to consider brands backed by reputable showrooms with a proven track record. This added layer of trust can be crucial, especially for newer brands.

Cons of Wholesale Showrooms

  1. Fees and Commissions Showrooms charge fees and take a commission on sales, which can add up. Each showroom has different cost structures, so thorough research is essential. Ensure you understand all associated costs before committing.

  2. Control Over Representation You may lose some control over how your brand is presented and sold. While you can guide the reps, ultimately, they decide the best approach. This can sometimes lead to misalignment with your brand vision.

  3. Geographical Limitations Showrooms are typically located in fashion hubs like LA, New York, and Paris. If you prefer frequent in-person interactions, distance could be a drawback, though virtual communication is an option. However, this can also be seen as a benefit if these locations are where your target retailers are based.

  4. Selective Acceptance Showrooms often have stringent criteria and look for brands that fill specific niches. Gaining representation can be challenging if your brand doesn’t align with their portfolio needs. You must demonstrate that your brand offers something unique and marketable.

Exploring Inside Sales

Inside sales involve managing your sales from your headquarters, either personally or by hiring a dedicated sales team.

Pros of Inside Sales

  1. Cost Savings Avoid showroom fees and commissions. However, if you hire a sales team, budget for salaries or commissions. This can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially if you handle sales effectively.

  2. Direct Relationships Building direct relationships with retail buyers can be more beneficial long-term. You retain all contact information and insights directly from the buyers. This direct line of communication allows for better understanding and responsiveness to retailer needs.

  3. Control Over Brand Representation You have complete control over how your brand is represented and which trade shows to participate in, ensuring alignment with your brand vision. You can tailor your sales approach to fit your brand’s unique story and values.

Cons of Inside Sales

  1. Relationship Building Establishing connections with retailers independently can be challenging, especially without prior relationships. Retailers might be less receptive to new brands without the endorsement of a trusted showroom.

  2. Time Consumption Sales is a full-time job. Managing it yourself can detract from other business areas. Hiring even a part-time sales assistant can be a significant relief. Balancing sales with other business responsibilities can be overwhelming.

  3. Lack of Expertise Without specialized sales training, you might face trial and error in navigating the wholesale landscape. This learning curve can slow down your progress and affect your sales. Investing in sales training or consulting can mitigate this issue. Check out our free training on wholesale here.


Both wholesale showrooms and inside sales have their benefits and drawbacks. Your decision should depend on your business needs, budget, and long-term goals. Wholesale showrooms offer established networks and credibility but come with fees and less control. Inside sales provide direct relationships and control but require more effort and expertise.

Final Tips:

  • Research Thoroughly: Whether choosing a showroom or handling inside sales, thorough research is crucial. Understand the costs, benefits, and potential challenges.
  • Network Actively: Building relationships, whether through a showroom or independently, is key. Attend industry events, trade shows, and networking functions.
  • Adapt and Learn: The fashion industry is dynamic. Stay updated with market trends, retailer preferences, and best practices in sales and marketing.

I hope this guide helps you decide the best path for selling your brand wholesale. Share your thoughts in the comments: will you choose inside sales or a wholesale showroom?

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Upcoming Workshop: Unlocking Retail Success

Are you curious about wholesaling your fashion brand? Join our upcoming workshop, "Unlocking Retail Success: Three Strategies for Getting Your Fashion Brand into Retail Stores." This exclusive event will cover strategies to help you secure a spot on retail shelves, whether you're starting or expanding. Don't miss out—reserve your spot now at makegoodfashion.com/wholesale. Trust me, you don't want to miss this opportunity!


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