
Designing with Purpose: Insights on Sustainable and Purpose-Driven Fashion

design sustainability May 30, 2024

In today's fast-paced fashion industry, the concepts of sustainability and purpose-driven design have gained significant traction. We recently had the pleasure of hosting Lottie, a freelance fashion design consultant, on our podcast. Her extensive experience working with independent brands and startups, combined with her passion for meaningful and ethical fashion, makes her insights incredibly valuable. Below, we explore Lottie's journey and her advice for aspiring fashion entrepreneurs looking to create lasting and impactful brands.

Landing in Design

Lottie's journey into the fashion industry began with a love for creativity and textiles in school. She pursued fashion design at university, focusing on commercial design rather than conceptual, driven by her passion for creating everyday wearable clothes. This early focus led her to work in fast fashion, where she gained invaluable experience before transitioning to freelance consulting.

Transitioning from Fast Fashion to Purpose-Driven Brands

One of the most compelling parts of Lottie's career is her transition from the fast-paced, quantity-over-quality world of fast fashion to working with purpose-driven brands. This shift was spurred by dissatisfaction with her last full-time role, which had become toxic. During this period, Lottie ran a slow fashion blog and sought more meaningful ways to contribute to the industry.

Her travels through India, Bali, and Cambodia allowed her to explore artisanal products and sustainable fashion practices. It was in Cambodia while working with Fashion Revolution that she found an opportunity to work with small garment manufacturers and teach fashion design, which solidified her path in purpose-driven fashion.

Supporting Role vs. Starting a Brand

Lottie has always preferred the role of the designer behind the scenes rather than starting her own brand. She loves solving creative problems and helping others bring their visions to life. Her broad experience in different fashion disciplines, from denim to multi-product design, allows her to confidently assist clients across various areas.

The Importance of Tech Packs

One of the key insights Lottie shared was the importance of tech packs in the design process. Tech packs serve as detailed instruction manuals for garments, ensuring that manufacturers have all the necessary information to create the product correctly. This meticulous documentation can significantly reduce sampling errors, save costs, and ensure a high-quality final product.

Lottie highlighted that many new brands underestimate the importance of tech packs, often resulting in costly mistakes and subpar samples. Investing in a well-made tech pack from the start can streamline the production process and lead to better outcomes.

Articulating Design Ideas

For those with a vision but no design experience, Lottie suggests starting with visual references. Creating a mood board using images from sources like Pinterest can help articulate your ideas. She also encourages aspiring designers to sketch their concepts, no matter how rough, and combine elements from different references to create a cohesive design.

Sustainability in Design

Lottie shares that sustainability in fashion goes beyond just using eco-friendly fabrics. It involves considering the entire lifecycle of the product, from efficient material use to ethical manufacturing practices. Designers should focus on creating well-made, high-quality products that last, reducing waste in the process.

Lottie also emphasizes the importance of playing to one's strengths and prioritizing specific sustainability goals. Whether it's using vegan materials, supporting artisanal communities, or other environmental considerations, having a clear focus can make the process more manageable and impactful.

Timeline for Launching a Brand

Launching a fashion brand is a complex process that requires ample time for design, sampling, and production. Lottie advises giving yourself at least a year from finalizing designs to launch, with six months being the minimum after having tech packs ready. This timeline allows for thorough development and avoids the pitfalls of rushing, which can lead to compromised quality.

Final Thoughts

As aspiring fashion entrepreneurs, it’s crucial to understand the value of well-thought-out design processes, tech packs, and sustainable practices. Lottie's insights underscore the importance of patience, planning, and playing to your strengths. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your approach, remember that building a purposeful fashion brand is a journey that requires dedication and a clear vision.

For those looking to work with Lottie or learn more about sustainable design practices check out the Make Good Fashion Academy where Lottie teaches about sustainable design and tech packs!

Watch the Podcast Episode



Follow Lottie:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lottywoodsdesign
- Website: (https://www.lottywoodsdesign.com

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